Ever see this can in the laundry section of your supermarket or drug
store? Its called Static Guard and its normally used to fight static
cling and destroy its evil plot to ruin your outfit. It also happens to
be the best hair finishing spray I have ever used!
Anyone who
knows me knows that I am no fan of hair spray- anything that leaves a
"feeling" in my hair (crunchy, sticky, gooey etc...) is a big turn off
for me and I refuse to have my hair suffer those "product side effects".
The problem with not liking hair spray is that after blow drying my
hair, I normally have a 30% chance that all my hard work and
efforts will last beyond my commute to work (I am a New Yorker so I walk
and take the subway to work... and by walk I mean walk so fast and with
such purpose that you immediately break a sweat-no matter the
temperature outside and quite possibly have small flames coming off of
your boots as you fly past the confused tourist taking up THE ENTIRE
sidewalk because if you miss the 9:42 L train you will automatically be
13 minutes late to work and the anxiety brought on by being 13 minutes
late is too much to bare - whew- more about this later!). My blow out
doesn't stand a chance!! You see, I suffer from fly-away frizzies and a
cowlick on the right side of my bangs that makes it go from feathery and
flawless to this weird 90 degree angle turn thing(one day I will post
pictures so you can send me your sympathies). Its a nightmare situation
on any day that has more than 40% humidity - I have learned to
anticipate this rogue cowlick rearing its ugly face by using Static
Guard! After I am finished blow drying, I step out of the bathroom(I
like breathing...so I move into a larger room so I don't suffocate)hold
my breath and I spray a mist all over my hair- but focus in on my bang
area in particular. Make sure you spray a few inches away from your hair
otherwise it will cause your hair to get wet with the Static Guard
(which is annoying but can be fixed by a touch more blow drying).
Man, I don't know how it works or why this happens - but my hair all of
a sudden looks like I had not 1, but 2 people in a salon (the kind that
charges $400 for a haircut) working on it. Its truly incredible - I am
literally amazed every time at the results I get from using it! Its
preserves my Farrah Fawcett-esk bangs for the entire day (and puts up a
damn good fight on rainy days)
Another bonus is that you can
kiss statically charged hair goodbye - and if you live up north, you
know exactly how annoying it is to have your gloves on and try to adjust
your hair- snap crackle shock! EEEK! I hate that feeling! I also hate
having some of my hair strands standing up 10 inches tall for part of
the day without even realizing it until I finally unchain myself from my
desk and take a look in the bathroom mirror- OMG soooo embarrassing!
you are skeptical and don't want to buy a normal sized bottle (it costs
a whopping $5), you can always opt to buy the trial size. I know Bed
Bath and Beyond sells them - as do most drug stores (look in the travel
section). It might feel a little weird to use static cling spray
on your hair but TRUST me - it will do crazy amazing things and make you
look and feel like a million bucks!
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Perfect hair is only a spray away!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
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